Privacy Policy



This website ( and its owner do not collect data from visitors in any way. The goal of this policy is to provide information about potential privacy concerns associated with visiting this website.

Access logs

The service hosting this website (GitHub Pages) collects and stores access logs. This data is not accessible to the owner of this website. The hosting service, GitHub, has its privacy policy available here:


This website does not use cookies.

Local Storage

This website may use your browser’s local storage to save a theme preference. If you click on the light/dark theme toggle (sun/moon icon in the navigation bar) this website will save a single key-value pair ("theme": "light/dark") to your browser’s local storage. This data is not available to the website owner.

Third party embedded content

The owner of this website makes every effort to avoid the use of third-party embedded content and will instead opt to provide visitors with a link to those content providers. Third-party embedded content may in some cases collect and store personal data. The use of personal data by embedded content providers is not covered by this statement, but by the privacy policies of those third-party services.

The owner of this website cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any externally linked website and users should always adopt a policy of caution before clicking any external links mentioned throughout this website.

Changes to this policy

This policy is subject to change without notice and any changes to this policy will be posted on this page.