Reverse Engineering: forest


Took a look at another reversing challenge with a few small interesting bits. More practice allowing me to explore a little more radare2 functionality.

Binary: Forest | Author: MKesenheimer

A quick run to see our standard output.

$ ./forest
The forest is dark and dangerous. Be careful!
Please enter the flag:testthismess
The forest is unforgiving.
Flag not correct.
Crack it open

Load up our binary in radare2, analyze all, and disassemble our main function as is my normal workflow.

$ radare2 ./forest
Warning: run r2 with -e bin.cache=true to fix relocations in disassembly
 -- Are you a wizard?
[0x000011a0]> aaa
[x] Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
[x] Analyze function calls (aac)
[x] Analyze len bytes of instructions for references (aar)
[x] Finding and parsing C++ vtables (avrr)
[x] Type matching analysis for all functions (aaft)
[x] Propagate noreturn information (aanr)
[x] Use -AA or aaaa to perform additional experimental analysis.
[0x000011a0]> afl
0x000011a0    1 47           entry0
0x000011d0    4 41   -> 34   sym.deregister_tm_clones
0x00001200    4 57   -> 51   sym.register_tm_clones
0x00001240    5 65   -> 55   sym.__do_global_dtors_aux
0x00001290    1 9            entry.init0
0x00001000    3 27           sym._init
0x00001310    1 5            sym.__libc_csu_fini
0x00001318    1 13           sym._fini
0x000012a0    4 101          sym.__libc_csu_init
0x00001080   19 288          main
0x00001030    1 6            sym.imp.puts
0x00001040    1 6            sym.imp.__stack_chk_fail
0x00001050    1 6            sym.imp.printf
0x00001060    1 6            sym.imp.__isoc99_scanf
0x00001070    1 6            sym.imp.sqrt
[0x000011a0]> s main
[0x00001080]> pdf
            ;-- section..text:
            ; DATA XREF from entry0 @ 0x11c1
 288: int main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp);
           ; var uint32_t var_ah @ rsp+0x12
           ; var int64_t var_bh @ rsp+0x13
           ; var int64_t var_ch @ rsp+0x14
           ; var int64_t var_dh @ rsp+0x15
           ; var uint32_t var_eh @ rsp+0x16
           ; var uint32_t var_fh @ rsp+0x17
           ; var uint32_t var_10h @ rsp+0x18
           ; var uint32_t var_11h @ rsp+0x19
           ; var uint32_t var_12h @ rsp+0x1a
           ; var uint32_t var_13h @ rsp+0x1b
           ; var uint32_t var_14h @ rsp+0x1c
           ; var uint32_t var_15h @ rsp+0x1d
           ; var uint32_t var_16h @ rsp+0x1e
           ; var int64_t var_18h @ rsp+0x20
           0x00001080      4883ec28       sub rsp, 0x28               ; [14] -r-x section size 661 named .text
           0x00001084      488d3d7d0f00.  lea rdi, str.The_forest_is_dark_and_dangerous._Be_careful_ ; 0x2008 ; "The forest is dark and dangerous. Be careful!" ; const char *s
           0x0000108b      64488b042528.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x28]
           0x00001094      4889442418     mov qword [var_18h], rax
           0x00001099      31c0           xor eax, eax
           0x0000109b      e890ffffff     call sym.imp.puts           ; int puts(const char *s)
           0x000010a0      488d3dee0f00.  lea rdi, str.Please_enter_the_flag: ; 0x2095 ; "Please enter the flag:" ; const char *format
           0x000010a7      31c0           xor eax, eax
           0x000010a9      e8a2ffffff     call sym.imp.printf         ; int printf(const char *format)
           0x000010ae      31c0           xor eax, eax
           0x000010b0      488d74240a     lea rsi, [var_ah]
           0x000010b5      488d3df00f00.  lea rdi, str._13s           ; 0x20ac ; "%13s" ; const char *format
           0x000010bc      e89fffffff     call sym.imp.__isoc99_scanf ; int scanf(const char *format)
           0x000010c1      807c240a72     cmp byte [var_ah], 0x72
       ┌─< 0x000010c6      7514           jne 0x10dc
          0x000010c8      660fbe44240b   movsx ax, byte [var_bh]
          0x000010ce      ba0a000000     mov edx, 0xa
          0x000010d3      f6fa           idiv dl
          0x000010d5      0fb6c4         movzx eax, ah
          0x000010d8      2c01           sub al, 1
      ┌──< 0x000010da      7429           je 0x1105
      ││   ; XREFS: CODE 0x000010c6  CODE 0x00001127  CODE 0x00001129  CODE 0x00001135  CODE 0x0000113c  CODE 0x00001143
      ││   ; XREFS: CODE 0x0000114a  CODE 0x00001151  CODE 0x00001158  CODE 0x0000115f  CODE 0x0000116a  CODE 0x00001175
      ││   ; XREFS: CODE 0x00001180
 ┌┌┌┌┌─└─> 0x000010dc      488d3d850f00.  lea rdi, str.The_forest_is_unforgiving._nFlag_not_correct. ; 0x2068 ; "The forest is unforgiving.\nFlag not correct." ; const char *format
 |||||│    0x000010e3      31c0           xor eax, eax
 |||||│    0x000010e5      e866ffffff     call sym.imp.printf         ; int printf(const char *format)
 |||||│    ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x1194
 |||||│┌─> 0x000010ea      488b442418     mov rax, qword [var_18h]
 |||||│|   0x000010ef      64482b042528.  sub rax, qword fs:[0x28]
 ────────< 0x000010f8      0f859b000000   jne 0x1199
 |||||│|   0x000010fe      31c0           xor eax, eax
 |||||│|   0x00001100      4883c428       add rsp, 0x28
 |||||│|   0x00001104      c3             ret
 |||||│|   ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x10da
 |||||└──> 0x00001105      0fbe44240c     movsx eax, byte [var_ch]
 ||||| |   0x0000110a      660fefc0       pxor xmm0, xmm0
 ||||| |   0x0000110e      f20f2ac0       cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax
 ||||| |   0x00001112      e859ffffff     call sym.imp.sqrt           ; floating_point sqrt(arithmetic x)
 ||||| |   0x00001117      f20f5905990f.  mulsd xmm0, qword [0x000020b8]
 ||||| |   0x0000111f      660f2e05990f.  ucomisd xmm0, qword [0x000020c0]
 ────────< 0x00001127      7ab3           jp 0x10dc
 ────────< 0x00001129      75b1           jne 0x10dc
 ||||| |   0x0000112b      0fb644240d     movzx eax, byte [var_dh]
 ||||| |   0x00001130      83e801         sub eax, 1
 ||||| |   0x00001133      3c71           cmp al, 0x71
 ────────< 0x00001135      77a5           ja 0x10dc
 ||||| |   0x00001137      807c240e69     cmp byte [var_eh], 0x69
 ────────< 0x0000113c      759e           jne 0x10dc
 ||||| |   0x0000113e      807c240f64     cmp byte [var_fh], 0x64
 ────────< 0x00001143      7597           jne 0x10dc
 ||||| |   0x00001145      807c241069     cmp byte [var_10h], 0x69
 ────────< 0x0000114a      7590           jne 0x10dc
 ||||| |   0x0000114c      807c24116e     cmp byte [var_11h], 0x6e
 ────────< 0x00001151      7589           jne 0x10dc
 ||||| |   0x00001153      807c241267     cmp byte [var_12h], 0x67
 └───────< 0x00001158      7582           jne 0x10dc
  |||| |   0x0000115a      807c241368     cmp byte [var_13h], 0x68
  └──────< 0x0000115f      0f8577ffffff   jne 0x10dc
   ||| |   0x00001165      807c24146f     cmp byte [var_14h], 0x6f
   └─────< 0x0000116a      0f856cffffff   jne 0x10dc
    || |   0x00001170      807c24156f     cmp byte [var_15h], 0x6f
    └────< 0x00001175      0f8561ffffff   jne 0x10dc
     | |   0x0000117b      807c241664     cmp byte [var_16h], 0x64
     └───< 0x00001180      0f8556ffffff   jne 0x10dc
       |   0x00001186      488d3dab0e00.  lea rdi, str.You_escaped_the_forest._nFlag_is_correct. ; 0x2038 ; "You escaped the forest.\nFlag is correct." ; const char *format
       |   0x0000118d      31c0           xor eax, eax
       |   0x0000118f      e8bcfeffff     call sym.imp.printf         ; int printf(const char *format)
       └─< 0x00001194      e951ffffff     jmp 0x10ea
           ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x10f8
 ────────> 0x00001199      e8a2feffff     call sym.imp.__stack_chk_fail
           0x0000119e      6690           nop
1st byte - simple comparrison

From the jump, it looks like we take our user input and then compare the first byte to 0x72 (72 = r) as the initial check. If we fail this check at the jump-not-equal (jne) instruction we are redirected to 0x10dc which contains the “the forest is unforgiving” message.

           0x000010bc      e89fffffff     call sym.imp.__isoc99_scanf ; int scanf(const char *format)
           0x000010c1      807c240a72     cmp byte [var_ah], 0x72 ; Character "r"
       ┌─< 0x000010c6      7514           jne 0x10dc
... cut ...
 ┌┌┌┌┌─└─> 0x000010dc      488d3d850f00.  lea rdi, str.The_forest_is_unforgiving._nFlag_not_correct. ; 0x2068 ; "The forest is unforgiving.\nFlag not correct." ; const char *format

So the first byte of our solution is “r”, moving on the second and third byte are less straightforward.

2nd byte - signed divide

The second byte is validated with a signed divide instruction (idiv) which I needed to look into. I read up on the instruction here (

An important thing to note from the reference material.

Divisor Operand Size Dividend Quotient Remainder
byte AX AL AH
word DX:AX AX DX

First, we move our byte into the ax register with movsx, this allows us to move the smaller byte into a larger register by way of sign-extending the data. For instance, if our byte was another “r” (0x72) it might look something like movsx ax, byte 0x72 and as a result, our ax register would then contain 00000072.

Then we move 0xa (10) into the edx register. Followed by our signed divide instruction referencing an 8-byte register dl which is the lowest 8 bytes of our edx register containing 0xa (10).

So we are dividing our byte 0x72 by 0xa (decimal 114 / 10) and then moving the value of the remainder (4) into eax.

After moving our reminder we subtract 1 from that value and check if it equals 0 with the je (jump if equal) instruction.

So we can conclude that any character that returns a remainder of 1 when divided by 10 is a valid character.

Some valid characters: 3, ), =, [, e, o, y, G, Q

          0x000010c8      660fbe44240b   movsx ax, byte [var_bh] ; Move our 2nd byte into ax
          0x000010ce      ba0a000000     mov edx, 0xa ; moxe 0xa (10) into edx
          0x000010d3      f6fa           idiv dl ; signed divide ax / dl
          0x000010d5      0fb6c4         movzx eax, ah ; move remainder into eax
          0x000010d8      2c01           sub al, 1 ; subtract one
      ┌──< 0x000010da      7429           je 0x1105 ; jump if zero
3rd byte - floating point arithmetic

For the third byte, we have some floating-point arithmetic and doubles to deal with. You can read more about some of these instructions here, although a strong understanding is not needed for this challenge.

For our purposes, we will work backward starting at the ucomisd instruction which is just a compare instruction for double-precision floating-point values.

In radare2 items in square brackets like [0x000020b8] are references to memory, so if we know we are dealing with doubles we can print out that data in the appropriate format quite easily. Here I go ahead and print both references in this section.

Help strings from radare2 for reference.

| pf[?][.nam] [fmt]       print formatted data (, $<expr>)
| pf fmt                     Show data using the given format-string. See 'pf??' and 'pf???'.
|  F       double value (8 bytes)

Retreiving our values stored in memory.

[0x00001080]> pf F @ 0x000020b8
0x000020b8 = 5
[0x00001080]> pf F @ 0x000020c0
0x000020c0 = 50

Putting it all together.

 |||||└──> 0x00001105      0fbe44240c     movsx eax, byte [var_ch] ; move our character into eax 
 ||||| |   0x0000110a      660fefc0       pxor xmm0, xmm0 ; zero out xmm0
 ||||| |   0x0000110e      f20f2ac0       cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax ; convert into double-precision floating-point and store in xmm0
 ||||| |   0x00001112      e859ffffff     call sym.imp.sqrt ; floating_point sqrt(arithmetic x) ; get sqrt of our value
 ||||| |   0x00001117      f20f5905990f.  mulsd xmm0, qword [0x000020b8] ; multiply by 5
 ||||| |   0x0000111f      660f2e05990f.  ucomisd xmm0, qword [0x000020c0] ; compare to 50 
 ────────< 0x00001127      7ab3           jp 0x10dc

So we can see that the square root of our input multiplied by 5 must be 50, with this information we know that our number must be 100 which is “d”.

Ascii “d” = decimal 100
√100 = 10
10 * 5 = 50

4th byte - subtract and compare

Our final indirect comparison is on byte 4, we simply compare our value with “0x71” after subtracting 1, so our character is “0x72” or “r”.

 ||||| |   0x0000112b      0fb644240d     movzx eax, byte [var_dh]
 ||||| |   0x00001130      83e801         sub eax, 1 ; subtract 1
 ||||| |   0x00001133      3c71           cmp al, 0x71 ; compare to 0x71 "q" so if we add the subtracted one back we get 0x72 "r"
 ────────< 0x00001135      77a5           ja 0x10dc
Remaining bytes

The remaining bytes are all straightforward comparisons.

 ||||| |   0x00001137      807c240e69     cmp byte [var_eh], 0x69 ; char "i"
 ────────< 0x0000113c      759e           jne 0x10dc
 ||||| |   0x0000113e      807c240f64     cmp byte [var_fh], 0x64 ; char "d"
 ────────< 0x00001143      7597           jne 0x10dc
 ||||| |   0x00001145      807c241069     cmp byte [var_10h], 0x69 ; char "i"
 ────────< 0x0000114a      7590           jne 0x10dc
 ||||| |   0x0000114c      807c24116e     cmp byte [var_11h], 0x6e ; char "n"
 ────────< 0x00001151      7589           jne 0x10dc
 ||||| |   0x00001153      807c241267     cmp byte [var_12h], 0x67 ; char "g"
 └───────< 0x00001158      7582           jne 0x10dc
  |||| |   0x0000115a      807c241368     cmp byte [var_13h], 0x68 ; char "h"
  └──────< 0x0000115f      0f8577ffffff   jne 0x10dc
   ||| |   0x00001165      807c24146f     cmp byte [var_14h], 0x6f ; char "o"
   └─────< 0x0000116a      0f856cffffff   jne 0x10dc
    || |   0x00001170      807c24156f     cmp byte [var_15h], 0x6f ; char "o"
    └────< 0x00001175      0f8561ffffff   jne 0x10dc
     | |   0x0000117b      807c241664     cmp byte [var_16h], 0x64 ; char "d"
     └───< 0x00001180      0f8556ffffff   jne 0x10dc

So after all that we have the following valid flags.



$ while read p; do echo "$p" && echo "$p" | ./forest; done < forest_list | grep -Eo "r.dridinghood|Flag is correct."
Flag is correct.
Flag is correct.
Flag is correct.
Flag is correct.
Flag is correct.
Flag is correct.
Flag is correct.
Flag is correct.
Flag is correct.